Monday, September 24, 2012

    Last week in the Seven Habits, we read habit two which is to Begin with the End in Mind. We learned that setting big goals and having an end in mind makes us win and accomplish all these little goals we would have to do to accomplish the big one.

    Also last week we saw a video in B.G.M.S. cat time about a boy who was born with no limbs. It was an inspiring story of how he fought through his battles involving not only physical endurances, but emotional wars with himself about his own self-worth, and how now he helps students with self- esteem issues in schools across the nation.

   Last Wednesday the softball girls had team bonding. We went to Dos Primos. We had alot of fun. Afterwards we went to the high school softball game and they won. Its been a great season.

   The choir is working hard to prepare for Veteran's Day and for our joint concert with the High School on October 18.

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