Thursday, August 23, 2012

Blog Update for August 16th-24th

Please enjoy our short video of important things we have learned so far.
Class Updates-

Science- We have been learning facts about Earth's atmosphere. Did you know that without Earth's atmosphere we would be much more likely to be hit by falling space objects?  Lucky for us the atmosphere burns most of them up.  Also without the atmosphere the water cycle would not be possible, and we would have no oxygen.

Social Studies- We have been learning about Missouri's government.  Each class also got to choose stocks to "buy".  We are going to see which class chose the most profitable stock, and who will make the most money by December.

Math- We are learning the Order of Operations.  We will be writing a rap to help us remember them.  We can't wait to share our raps with everyone!

English Language Arts- We have taken the Star test.  We have also made covers for our Data Notebooks.  To create the covers we could choose to use one of the following websites, either, or  Both are neat and useful websites.

All 7th graders also learned how to check their school e-mail, and how to find their homework assignments and worksheets on the web, using the school website.

Upcoming Events-

Friday August 31st-School Pictures
Friday August 31st- First softball game, 5:00
Friday August 31st- The Bowling Green Student Council will be hosting the first middle school dance from 8-10 pm.  This dance has a patriotic them, and student council winners will  be announced during the dance.  Please attend, and plan to wear your red, white and blue.  The cost is $2.00 with student ID, or $2.00 without.   

Pictured above are some of our 7th grade softball players.  This week we had to sadly say good-bye to Coach Minter, as she will be moving to a new job, but we are excited to have our new coach, Coach Murphy.

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